a dram
a dream
a jou​rney

a whisky club like no ​other

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Whisk(e)y: the undisputed kings of spirits

25ml or 1 ounce (depending on which side of the Atlantic ocean you find yourself in).

A unit of treasure full of history, feuds, love, passion, hard work, craftmanship and so many more things!


Heyup there!

My name is Sebastian and I’m just a regular lad with a crazy dream:

Climb the golden ladder up to whisky mastery and open my own distillery!

And before you say it, yes: I'm starting from scratch, nobody really knows who I am in this industry and I’m nothing more than a newbie …

Honestly though, I don't really think that makes any difference.

If nothing else, it just makes all of this even more interesting.

Question is, how the hell did I got to this point? How does someone get to dreaming something like this?

let me tell you all about it ...